This is the blog for GW students taking Human Evolutionary Genetics. This site is for posting interesting tidbits on: the patterns and processes of human genetic variation;human origins and migration; molecular adaptations to environment, lifestyle and disease; ancient and forensic DNA analyses; and genealogical reconstructions.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Journal Update 2: Big Data & Family Trees

J. Kaplanis et al., Quantitative analysis of population scale family trees with millions of relatives. Science 360, 171-175 (2018).

pedigree with ~6000 individuals ~7 generations
(Kaplanis et al., 2018)
Family trees are useful in genetics and anthropology as they can trace families' geographic dispersal patterns. In order to understand human longevity and the geographic spread of families, the authors examined the pedigrees of 86 million individuals. Kaplanis et al. obtained their massive data set by collating data genealogy from is a crowdsourcing genealogy website that allows users to upload their own family trees. The website also allows users to link there profiles with other users to create family trees. After cleaning and organizing the data they wound up with a pedigree of 13 million individuals. With this data set the authors found an increase of familial dispersal over time as well as a decline of genetic relatedness between couples over time. Overall, this paper represents a great step in the future of using publicly available genealogical data in research.

Click here for the full paper.

- Angie

Journal Post 2/3

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