This article follows the verdict rendered of He Jiankui, known as "JK", a 35 year-old Chinese geneticist who in November of 2018, shocked the word with the first genetically altered babies, known as the CRISPR babies. JK was sentenced to 3 years in the Jail on the count of Mal-practice (China does not have any laws on gene editing and his colleagues were sentenced to 24 and 18 months.) The back story to this situation is that JK, tried to mimic what already occurs in certain human populations (ask me in class I will fill you in) however, due to the rouge"ness" of this research, even if it was with good intentions was faced with sever backlash. Ultimately, JK was trying to help an HIV + couple have children that would not be exposed to the virus.
Discussion Question:
1. How does this match with Designer Babies? Is the West mad the East got the job done first? Designer Babies
2. Is parental consent all that is needed, or is the argument that the child should have say? How does this match with male circumcision?
Warrenkevin B. Henderson
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